Download BrochureFor over a century, triple twist hexagonal mesh has been used with success in construction work worldwide. These boxes and mattresses made of hexagonal fabric, are know as protector gabions. Gabions, by virtue of their matchless strength, excellent engineering adaptability and proven reliability, have become the chosen building material for a tremendous variety of construction work. These include road construction, river training, weirs, control and retaining of flood water, earth retaining structures, coastal defense, harbor works, erosion control and bridge protection.
Protector gabions stand out as the simple, efficient and economical solution, as the cages are simply filled with natural stone. Protector gabions have the following positive advantages:
• Ability to deform without cracking allowing the structure to withstand any unpredictable movement or settlement without loss of stability. • Higher resistance to natural forces due to better tensile strength. • No skilled manpower needed. • The gabion structure blends easily and harmoniously with natural surroundings. • The speed at which the works are carried out is unparalleled in civil engineering, making it cost effective.